I recently ran across a few short online documentaries of conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner. Both videos present Weiner as a practical thinker, a social theorist, a poet, a type perfectionist, and a strikingly captivating human. Honestly, I've found myself more interested in Weiner as a person over an artist, although I've realized after watching these interviews, that I should give his artwork another shot. He's officially in my "Top 10 People Living You'd Die to Have Coffee With." How can I not love a smart man with a gorgeous brain that matches that beautiful silver dust ruffle on his face? Bummed I missed his retrospective at the Whitney a few years ago, but if you find yourself in the NYC area, he's got a permanent installation out at Dia Beacon well worth checking out. Photographer Erik Madigan Heck also recently completed a photo series of my new favorite silver fox.
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